Info-Atari16 Digest Wed, 29 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 53 Today's Topics: Advice about MiNT Amiga geeks, read this Crack Art Did anyone write a good read() for Mint (or TOS)? Does anyone know... Dungeon Master, once again Good Public Domain Spreadsheet wanted for the ST. I cant get Zoo to work! Info-Atari16 Digest V92 #51 pcditto software on a TT? Poscript problem Shellp, Gulam, GFA Basic Spectre users unite! TOS chipsets (was Re: What to do?) (2 msgs) What to do? Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 27 Jan 92 10:30:18 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!!yal!!!rusmv1!delos!troja! (Stefan Schober) Subject: Advice about MiNT To: (Markus Wenzel) writes: >> What I am hoping that I will gain with MiNT is the ability to do file >> transfer in the background while I use the computer in the foreground. >I'm afraid this won't work, but I never tried. Sorry to disappoint you Markus, but it works !!! Two days ago, I tried a full Fido-Net-Transmission, with my Fido-mailer running in the background. In addition, I had a print job in the backround (cp u:/dev/prn &) and edited a file with a GEM-based editor. NO PROBLEMS !!! stefan -- +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Stefan Schober, | uucp: | | Linzer Str. 17, | fido: Stefan Schober on 2:247/776 | | D-W7000 Stuttgart 30 | voice: +49-711-8568806 | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ ..wuerden sie das eventuell zuruecknehmen? - Wer? Sie! Ich? Ja! Nein! Dann ist die Sache fuer mich erledigt. (W. Bendo) ------------------------------ Date: 28 Jan 92 20:36:18 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!uakari.primate.wisc. edu!! (Carter Gregory) Subject: Amiga geeks, read this To: In article <1992Jan25.023310.18621@news.Hawaii.Edu> jimmy@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Jimmy Chan) writes: >In article <> (William Thomas Daugustine) writes: >> >>If you are an Atari ST user, and have no desire to move to an Amiga >>quit out of this. > >{Other dribble deleted for brevity} > >What does owning an Atari ST have to do with being able to read > I don't recall owning something was a prerequisite >for reading a newsgroup. Anyone with an interest in reading about Atari STs >are entitled to join in. If you want to keep out unwanted posts in >a newsgroup I would suggest having the newgroup moderated but until then >anyone is entitled to read and post news though this does not forgive >those who only enjoy flame-baiting and those who have to use derogatory >remarks to get there points across. > >Sorry, I keep reading posts from self-proclaimed net police to get >out of a newsgroup when they have no authority to do so. Just because >someone posts something another reader doesn't like, we get these ravings >of "GET OUT OF HERE". This is a forum for discuss not censureship. > > >-- >/-----------------------------\ >| | >\-----------------------------/ I totally agree with Jimbo here..of course I have radical ideas about information and people but... Any inherent restriction, placed on a group on the rn reader on the internet is extremely DANGEROUS in my view. That includes any restrictions based on content. You post where you want, how much you want, and when you want, AND EVERYONE should recieve a copy of WHAT YOU WANT TO POST. Actually, I welcome any alternate computer people to I think ATARI people just can't stand to hear there are many computers out there, far more capable, far less expensive, than the ones with the ATARI label on thier desks...or floor. This group is NOT meant to be a strict PLATFORM for ATARI products. If ATARI wants a strict platform, let them set one up themselves...privately as a business adventure. Better yet if you want one write to them and send them a check... Moderating a newsgroup through voting for a moderator would be an acceptable alternative also... --Greg ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jan 92 13:06:14 MEZ From: Wolfgang Ley Subject: Crack Art To: Atari ST users forum Hi folks! Sorry for the missing english doc-file to CRACKART.... CrackArt is a very great and complex programm (mainly written in assembler). But we have indeed not enough time to write the docs. Other projects are more interesting at the moment. This is because NOT EVEN ONE user has send an donation to us. If someone has translated the docs to english, please send me a copy. I will include it in further postings. If you have any other questions: simply post it to this newsgroup. At least one of the programmers of crackart is reading your message. Bye, Wolfgang. by the way: ever tried ESPREDIT? its a level editor for ESPRIT. (look at atari.archive %/games/) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wolfgang Ley e-mail: Teichstrasse 9 from BITNET : BWWL@DCZTU1.BITNET W-3392 Clausthal-Zellerfeld from Internet: (Germany) or Phone: +49 5323 82132 (voice) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 28 Jan 92 21:02:22 GMT From: mcsun!sun4nl!alchemy!ruunfs!! (Peter Mutsaers) Subject: Did anyone write a good read() for Mint (or TOS)? To: Hello, for some applications I would very much like to be able to have a read() (or an Fread() implemented in the kernel even better) that generates vt52 escape sequences from Funcion/cursor/etc keys, so the ST can be a real vt52. Also, I would like that ALT-combinations do not return '0', but the ascii code, with the 8th bit set. This would make porting of unix editors/shells with full keyboard use much easier. (I hate to resort to GEM and do not even start it up at a reboot). If someone has made it I would like to use it. Otherwise, and when/if I find the time, I'll have to do it myself. Regards, -- _________________________________________________________________________ Peter Mutsaers. RUU physics dept. Heidelberglaan 5, Utrecht, Nederland |================================================ tel: (+31)-(0)30-533880 | Memento Mori ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jan 92 06:14:45 GMT From:!!!usc!!midiline!jared@ariz ('286 Highlander) Subject: Does anyone know... To: the address of any member of TCB (The CareBears)? If clarification is necessary, I'm referring to the Swedish 3 member demo crew that did "The Cuddly Demos" and is a member of The Union. They also made TCB Tracker (A commercial .MOD file player/creator program) and Enchanted Land, a very good (supposedly commercial, but not here in America) game for the Atari ST. I've already extracted (with MUCH effort) one address from the title screen of The Cuddly Demos, but I'm wondering if the three addresses within that lengthy scroll-text are outdated. I mailed to the first address and am still waiting for a reply (if I ever get one). I just want to talk to them. They're... MegaMighty! :-) Jared ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jan 92 01:15:40 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!samsung!! u!! Subject: Dungeon Master, once again To: In article <>, (PAul STevens -- MACC) writes: > In article , okes@solb1.essex. >>How to defeat Chaos: >>Get to the small room in the corner of the level and kill the demon in there. >>Hang around in this room and wait for Chaos to arrive. When he does, let him >>in and close the doors. Dodge his magic, and make fluxcages constantly. >>When the room is fuul of them and Chaos is in the corner of the room which >>is also the corner of the level, face him and FUSE. >>Now watch the game's end sequence. >> >> Simon. > > I did not find it QUITE that complicated. It has been a long > time but I recall getting him out in the middle of the big room in > a place I could move around, stepping to each of the four sides > of him and caging him on the four sides. Then the final blow. > Perhaps it would be easier your way in a small room! > > PAul I haven't played Dungeon Master that much (lack of time and I've only played it at my friend's place) but how many levels are there in total? I've only reached about the fourth and I think I've heard of a seventh and possibly (?) a twelfth. Chris. ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jan 92 02:22:29 GMT From:! (Marco) Subject: Good Public Domain Spreadsheet wanted for the ST. To: Can anyone recommend (and know where I can get) a good spreadsheet (Public Domain, Shareware, etc.) for the ST? Thanks for any info. Please reply via e-mail, as I don't have access to this newsgroup. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | John Perry*Voice (204)783-0812*Internet | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jan 92 01:15:50 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!samsung!! u!! Subject: I cant get Zoo to work! To: In article <>, (Roger Sheppard) writes: > In article <> writes: [parts deleted] >> >> It's not the best solution about but what I do is copy the .zoo file to >> an IBM disk, put in PC-DITTO and run the IBM version of Zoo 2.1 on the .zoo >> file. It's okay if you have the emulator but I thought I'd tell everyone >> anyway as the algorithms between machine versions (IBM and ST) appear to >> the same for LHARC (but not the PC's LHA), (ARC and PKXARC[?]) and >> (UUD and UUDECODE). >>> It's slow but does the trick. > >> Chris. > > NO ! this is like going backwards, get the arcgsh40.zoo from A.A. > this will make like easyer.. > -- > *** Roger W. Sheppard * *** > *** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 *** > *** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, *** > *** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe *** I never said it was a good solution, Roger, and I know it's "not the best" as I said before. I only come in contact with these binaries through the Uni I go to where we only use IBMs (they still think Atari's a games machine) so it works best for me to do all of the unarchiving and uudecoding on campus so that the programs are ready to use on my floppy disk when I get home. It's only a suggestion for those who don't know how to get the sources/binaries for all of the archiving programs for the ST but have them on a PC. :-) Chris. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jan 92 15:38:14 SST From: Suthipuntha Subject: Info-Atari16 Digest V92 #51 To: RE: PC-Ditto and the TT Hello from Singapore, I just tried both TT and new Mega STE and hope to see the PC-Ditto running at more tolerable speed on the TT. Unfortunately it refused to boot. The same apply to the Aladin all versions from 1.2 to the last version 3.0 and the Magic Sac (all versions). MagicSac and Aladin (only version 1.3e) work pretty fast on Mega STE. PC-Ditto work (and quite fast too) on Mega STE. I have slight pro- blem using Spectre GCR with TT. Probably need to modify the cartridge as per Dave's instruction. I have to use SuperCharger with TT to run MS DOS program. SuperCharger can boot from the TT internal SCSI Hard disk but Spectre (current version 3.0) can only regconize the external hard disk. The Mega STE2 have to upgrade to 4MB to run Spectre. One surprise is that the old CP/M emulator works on TT and at quite comfortable speed too. I did not check how fast it is under emulation but Spectre on TT are not much faster than on the MegaSTE. Hope this info helps, Suthipuntha, School of Architecture, National University of SIngapore AKISUJAR@NUSVM.BITNET ------------------------------ Date: 28 Jan 92 18:44:28 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!samsung!nstar!sy scon! (Mike DeMetz) Subject: pcditto software on a TT? To: (Gareth R Blades) writes: > ( writes: >: Has anyone tried the PCDitto software emulator on a TT? If so, does >: it work or no? If it does work, I wonder if the speed would be good >: enough to make it actually useful, unlike its speed on a regular ST. >: >: Let me know if you know.... >: >: Thanks, >: >: --Bill >It is reported not to work in a few computer magazines that i have read. A version one of our engineers had would not even work on an ST that had TOS 1.2 in it because it checked the ROM for the country code. ------------------------------ Date: 26 Jan 92 10:48:58 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!!yal!!!rusmv1!delos!!marsu.tynet.s! (Markus Wenzel) Subject: Poscript problem To: In <>, Mike DeMetz writes: > For some time I have be producing our clubs newsletter on the > ST with Timeworks DTP and using PSCAPT to save the postscript > output to disk to take to work and copy to the laser printer. > It has worked fine. The cover page has some artwork and one > clip-art picture along with some text. When I took a digitized > pic from VIDI-ST and imported it into the cover page and tried to > print it I got nothing. The printer seems to take data for a while > then goes to waiting, then times out. Pushing the Formfeed does nothing. > Removing the pic makes everything OK again. Size of pic does no seem > to make any differnce. Any ideas on the problem?? Check out your PostScript File if it contains a '\showpage' command anywhere at the end... If there ain't any, add one. If there is one, I have no further ideas at the moment. Regards, Markus. -- * /dev/ Markus Wenzel, University of Stuttgart * * /usr/spool/mail/ / * * /bin/ps -l TT admin on * * /irc/nick Marsu * * /etc/motd >> Hey Dave, what about releasing Spectre 3.1 ? << * ------------------------------ Date: 28 Jan 92 13:31:41 GMT From:!fub!einoed!!!alex@uunet.uu. net (Alexander Kordecki) Subject: Shellp, Gulam, GFA Basic To: (Ryan Daum) writes: >Greetings. >I'm having problems trying to write a chunk of code to access the "shellp" >features of Gulam and Mupfel. >I want to create a shell to go in my soon-to-be-released "TreeTop" BBS package >(hierarchical message base system) that would let you use standard gulam or >mupfel commands while adding some of my own and creating a new environment. >The problem is, I'm writing this in GFA Basic. (I know, I know, but you find >me a language that is interpeted as well as compiled, has a wonderful editor >like GFA, and lets you fix mistakes and problems on the fly... Besides, I'm a >floppy user) >Anyways, I wrote a chunk of code similar to this: > Shellp=$4f6 > Togu=Lpeek(Shellp) > Command$="ls -l"+chr$(0) > Return%=C:togu(Varptr(command$)) >I tried thousands of combinations, like using "Call togu" instead of C:, >passing a null string, executing the contents of "togu+2" instead of togu >(which contains a "jmp" command before the address). >I'm annoyed. I really want to get the shell and configuration editor done on >this thing. It's really beginning to bother me. All I ever get is two bombs, >and I have to re-boot every single time because the computer doesn't stay >operational for long after this crash. >I tried linking in some C code in .O files, but am doing something wrong as >well. I even tried putting a "system.ttp" program on the same drive as the bbs >and trying to load that with "pexec mode 3"... which bombs, as well. >Help me! If you use Gemini, try something like this ... shell_p=&H4F6 gmni=LPEEK(shell_p) k$=SPACE$(8) BMOVE gmni+24,V:k$,8 IF k$="XBRAGMNI" a$=SPACE$(256) DO INPUT "# ",com$ EXIT IF com$="exit" CHAR{V:a$}=com$ ex_code=C:gmni(L:V:a$) LOOP ELSE PRINT "GEMINI ist nicht Installiert !" ENDIF EDIT bye ... alex -- | Alexander Kordecki | Kantstrasse 125 | 1000 Berlin 12 | Germany | | e-mail : | Tel.: +49 30 312 37 20 | | Always look on the bright side of life ... pfpf pfpfpfpfpfpf | ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 26 Jan 92 10:51:54 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!!yal!!!rusmv1!delos!!marsu.tynet.s! (Markus Wenzel) Subject: Spectre users unite! To: In <>, William Magro writes: > > Are there enough spectre users out there to get a new newsgroup going? > I don't remember the rules for starting a new newsgroup. Anyone want > to refresh me? We could have and we could > share problems, experiences, successes, etc. there. > > Any interest? Very strong interest, indeed. But we should convince Dave Small to do some support within such a newsgroup. > --Bill Regards, Markus (TT-struck Spectre user). -- * /dev/ Markus Wenzel, University of Stuttgart * * /usr/spool/mail/ / * * /bin/ps -l TT admin on * * /irc/nick Marsu * * /etc/motd >> Hey Dave, what about releasing Spectre 3.1 ? << * ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jan 92 09:43:02 GMT From:!! (Marc Bouron) Subject: TOS chipsets (was Re: What to do?) To: I am a little confused by the recommendation to get TOS 2.06 instead of 1.4 for an `ordinary' ST. Please unconfuse me. I thought the 2.xx chips couldn't simply be plugged in to a pre-STe machine? If it turns out that you can, then that's great. Or is this just a veiled reference to the TEC mod? Also, since finding new ROMs in the UK is pretty tough going, would there be any problems expected if I were to get a set from the US? Cheers, [M][a][r][c] ===== Cray Research (UK) Ltd. ===== INTERNET: "If all the girls in Essex were laid JANET: end-to-end, no-one would be in the UUCP: ...!uknet!crayuk!M.Bouron slightest bit surprised..." VOICE: +44 344 485971 x2208 ------------------------------ Date: 26 Jan 92 19:08:40 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!wupost!!!au nro!apss!ersys! (Greg Granger) Subject: TOS chipsets (was Re: What to do?) To: (maximum entropy) writes: > In article <> (Robert Jeffrey > Pinelli) writes: > >p.s. To get an idea how old my mega is, it has the 6 chip ROM set in it that > >almost NO Megas have! Boy am I glad I didn't take Toad Computer's word for > >it when ordering my TOS 1.4 upgrade! > > I'm considering doing a TOS 1.4 upgrade in my circa-1987 1040 ST. > (rev. D motherboard.) Where are the TOS roms located? I found a > group of 6 chips under the power supply that looks like it might be > the TOS, but I'd like to be sure, so that I don't order the wrong set > and find out from the installation instructions that I was looking at > the wrong thing and really need a 2-chip set. > > Thanks, > entropy > -- > > entropy. . .it's not just a good idea, it's the second law. > Boycott AT&T, Lotus, Apple, Ashton-Tate and Xerox. Join the League for > Programming Freedom! Write to for more information. Those 6 chips underneath your power supply are, indeed, your TOS chips. My recommendation to you is to call CodeHead Software at (213) 386-5735 and order the new TOS 2.06. It fixes a few bugs that were in TOS 1.04 (aka TOS 1.4), and gives you some additional goodies. It costs approx. $139 US, but call them for exact prices. I am waiting for my TOS 2.06 in the mail for the time being. Greg Granger [ InterNet: ] "Gimme the strongest [ FoReMNet: Greg Granger @ 532 or Dark Knight @ 595 ] thing you've got." [ Mail Adr: 5906-188 St. Edmonton, AB Canada T6M-2A9 ] [ Phone : +1 403 481-0803 or +1 403 481-5110 ] - Lt. Frank Drebin ------------------------------ Date: 26 Jan 92 10:41:18 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!!yal!!!rusmv1!delos!!marsu.tynet.s! (Markus Wenzel) Subject: What to do? To: In <>, Mr Stephen R Usher writes: > Mine was the same, but I imeadiately repartitioned the drive using the HDX > tools to make two partitions of reasonable size. > > Steve > > PS. How did you get the ICD utils to see the TT scsi bus? Just get the current updates. For TT usage, ICDBOOT V 5.4.2 is required. > -- > Addresses:- > JANET:- or > Internet:- or Regards, Markus. -- * /dev/ Markus Wenzel, University of Stuttgart * * /usr/spool/mail/ / * * /bin/ps -l TT admin on * * /irc/nick Marsu * * /etc/motd >> Hey Dave, what about releasing Spectre 3.1 ? << * ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************